hi all, it has been a busy week for me and this morning was going to be the only morning that I could have a 'sleep in' until 7am - normally I am up at 4.30am. What happened!!! the little kitten found a way of getting into the main house and from 4am this morning she ran up and down the hall way swooping into my bedroom to jump on the bed, bounce up and down and run out again, only to repeat this performance every 10 minutes until at 5.30am when I decided I had had enough and go up!! Tried to put her outside and locked cat-door but she has found some way of getting in. Will have to stay up and watch and find out how she is doing it.
Anyway, getting all ready for classes next week, have classes on Tue 12th through to Sat 16th.
I spent some time making a lovely swan card and was really pleased with how it turned out. Lesson learned though - I left it on my craft table - table got bumped - I was not in the room - card fell over - I had not closed an inkpad - card fell on corner of inkpad - card soaked up lots of orange ink. ahhhhh result: beautiful cream card with white swans and a large orange blob across one side and the back!! Lesson: make sure that inkpads are closed once finished with. I have taken a pic and tried to get it so that you cannot see the 'blog' so that you can see the lovely swans.
I am pleased with how it turned out (without the blob) so have made another one and will probably make some more making sure that they stay well away from inkpads.
I have put off getting an Cricut Explore, as I did not think that I would use it very much. Well one arrived and oh my have I used it HEAPS. In saying that I still use my E2 lots and sometimes have been know to have both of them going at the same time!!
I have also been dashing between showers to try and get washing dry as our dryer died several weeks ago and I was determine not to buy another one - well that went out the window when we almost ran out of clothes!! so yesterday thanks to Harvey Norman's sale I bought a new one and it has been in action since. Have young Zak with me today so we are off to Uncle Bills to get some sticker books for him to do.
will try and keep up to date with my blog from now one and would love to have some feed back and followers.