spent a day making an explosion box. this is the first side. I used 'liquid pearls' on the lid - my first time using them, tree stamp and cut out grass and fences. there is a tiny tiny butterfly on the branch of the tree on the right hand side.
side two of the box with butterflys and fairys and the lid has birds preparing their nest
and other lot of grass, a tree stamp and I have stamped birds on the right in the grass. lid has the bird house hanging from tree branch.
fouth side, fence with the wee fork (I lost the spade in my craft room opps) there are butterflys on the fence. flower stamp and dandilion flowers fluttering up the side.
sorry about my photography!! this is the lid. I cut leaves (on the cricut) and placed the flower on them with a rhinestone in the centre of flower. butterfly on top corner and dragonfly on bottom corner.
open the box
I have not cut out the four corners but just folded them in. on four sides I have cut maraposa paper and formed envelopes in which there are tags for journaling or photos. the centre has a seperate little box which can be removed. this could hold a little gift, a chain neckless, bracelett, earrings cuff links what ever. the blue card that the little box is sitting on is holding down three clear stems that have butterflys attached to the top so when the box opens they 'fly' about.
tried to do a better pic of the 'flying butterflies'
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